Statement of Aims and Intentions - Draft

The name of the song is Something Beautiful which can have various connotations and will be presented by the artist through performance. The artist will be a young female who will be presented as quite strong and women empowered through her outfit and the lighting used in the video. The way in which she performs will use body language to emphasise her character and style as an artist.

How and why will you use media language in your media production?

The music video will be using Roland Barthes' theory of semiotics and signification, as well as, Andrew Goodwin's five key aspects to a music video. Goodwin's theories would also be applied as firstly, his theories are associated with the conventions of a music video and at least one of them can be identified in every music video. The music video will illustrate a relation between the visuals and the lyrics or possibly have some disjuncture as well as have a star image.

 This would be seen in the music video, as there will be many scenarios presented which can symbolise something, but can have a deeper meaning and will, therefore, need to be deconstructed by the audience. However, it can be deconstructed and interpreted in different ways, additionally referring to Stuart Hall's Reception theory. The dominant reading of this is the concept of being able to love yourself and that friends and family can be there to support you through your hardships, whatever it may be. (talk about what your dominant, negotiated, oppositional views will be of your music video)

How and why will you construct representations of individuals, groups, and issues/events?

The cast of the music video will be all female, which can present women empowerment and emphasise the unity. In addition, the cast is a mix of Caucasian and coloured which can encourage diversity and possibly attract a diverse audience too. The scenario can also be seen as one which many women can relate to, so, therefore, create an emotional connection between the audience to the music video/artist. However, it may not appeal to the male audience as much, as it focuses on the unity of women and having each other's backs. But having said that, there may be some male feminists who may support the message and enjoy the concept of the music video.

How will you target your intended audience/users?

This will be done through both the music video and the content of it as well as the magazine in which the artist and the song will be advertised. My target market group is 16-year olds to 25-year olds, and I will use ideas or conventions which they are able to relate to and will enjoy.

How will your production conform to its industry context?

The production may conform as audiences may be exposed to this genre usually, and therefore following George Gerbner's Cultivation theory, they are likely to have been exposed to the repeated patterns of this genre as many others for a long time, therefore shaping and influencing ways in which they perceive and connote meanings from a music video, possibly making them dominant hegemonic interpretations.

The music video will have a very positive message to it in which it will be presented through mise-en-scene but also the lighting of the video. The high-key and natural lighting will help portray the agenda and setting of the music video.


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