
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Todorovian Structure

The Todorovian Structure was created by Tzvetan Todorov, a Bulgarian-French Historian, and he had the theory which states that most stories or plot lines follow the same pattern or path. There are 5 steps to this plan: 1.THE EQUILIBRIUM This is the first part of any movie plot, which usually displays a happy start, where a majority of the characters are content and everything is as it should be. 2.THE DISRUPTION This is the second part of the story which will feature a problem or something will disrupt the happiness. 3.REALISATION This is where the characters realise the problem and its chaos. The audience is almost relieved of 'dramatic irony' at this point of the plot. 4.RESTORED ORDER At this point, the characters are attempting to repair the damage and 'restore' the problem. 5.EQUILIBRIUM AGAIN Of any storyline, this is the final part where the problem is resolved and everything is restored back to order. (Happy)

The Study Of Semiotics - Saussure and Barthes

Definition of Semiotics: The study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation. Saussure's idea was that their is a "signifier" and the "signified" and these are what a sign is composed of. The signifier is known as the form that a sign can take and the signified is the concept. He believed and explains that a sign was not only a sound-image but a concept. The two, signified and signifier, were purely psychological for Saussure. 

John Berger and Feminism - Vaishnavie Ravi

Berger's Statement - Ways of Seeing: “A woman must continually watch herself. She is almost continually accompanied by her own image of herself. Whilst she is walking across a room or whilst she is weeping at the death of her father, she can scarcely avoid envisaging herself walking or weeping. From earliest childhood she has been taught and persuaded to survey herself continually. And so she comes to consider the surveyor and the surveyed within her as the two constituent yet always distinct elements of her identity as a woman. She has to survey everything she is and everything she does because how she appears to men, is of crucial importance for what is normally thought of as the success of her life. Her own sense of being in herself is supplanted by a sense of being appreciated as herself by another...One might simplify this by saying: men act and women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. This determines not only most relations between men and wo...