Statement of Aims and Intentions - Draft
The name of the song is Something Beautiful which can have various connotations and will be presented by the artist through performance. The artist will be a young female who will be presented as quite strong and women empowered through her outfit and the lighting used in the video. The way in which she performs will use body language to emphasise her character and style as an artist. How and why will you use media language in your media production? The music video will be using Roland Barthes' theory of semiotics and signification, as well as, Andrew Goodwin's five key aspects to a music video. Goodwin's theories would also be applied as firstly, his theories are associated with the conventions of a music video and at least one of them can be identified in every music video. The music video will illustrate a relation between the visuals and the lyrics or possibly have some disjuncture as well as have a star image. This would be seen in the music video, as the...